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Center for Business, Workforce & Community Learning

Workforce Training & Business Development

俄勒冈州的劳动力和小企业和威尼斯人娱乐城州一样独特. From forest-to-farm, from main street-to-manufacturing; we provide tools and resources to help with every stage and every part of your business.

The Center for Business, Workforce & 社区学习与小企业 Development Center (SBDC) customize our services; providing specialized workforce 为威尼斯人娱乐城独特的本地企业量身定制的发展计划和小型企业咨询 trends.

从通往学位课程的专业课程,到为期一天的研讨会 and individual business advisory; we are the one-stop connection you need to succeed.

adults in a classroom

Continuing Education &    Professional Development

非信贷专业发展机会 & online training. 

Small Business Development Center

Small Business
Development Center

Thinking of starting a business? Own a business but need some advice? Start here.


American Heart Association


Licensure & Certification


从旗帜到房地产再到俄勒冈建行,找到满足您需求的认证课程 goals.

image of firefighter fighting wildland fire

Wildland Fire

培训现有机构人员,私人消防承包商 & individuals seeking employment as firefighters.

image of two emts looking at a patient

Emergency Medical Technician

威尼斯人娱乐城的一年制EMT证书课程为学生提供两年制课程的第一年 degree leading into becoming a paramedic.

image of man in apprentice program


Our Electrical & 管道学徒计划是开始一个有益的关键 career in a field that puts you in high demand





Electrical Apprenticeship

Electrical Apprentice Training

电气行业正在增长,俄勒冈州东部和爱达荷州西部需要更多的技术工人 Journeyman Electricians. 宝谷的电气学徒计划 社区大学是你在这个领域开始一份有意义的职业的关键 you in high demand.

威尼斯人娱乐城的电气学徒计划是一个为期四年的计划 从基础知识到准备参加爱达荷州或俄勒冈州的熟练工考试. Our classes meet once a week at the Ontario campus. You will spend three hours in class 每周外加2个小时或更多的独立学习时间. You will have 至少576次的课堂(课堂和在线)培训,8000小时的在职培训 experience at the end of the four-year program. 

 欲了解更多信息,请致电(541)881 - 5755或电子邮件威尼斯人娱乐城 cbwcl@pompim.com 

American Heart Association Training Center

Learn CPR and get certified

威尼斯人娱乐城使用经批准的美国心脏协会CPR培训指南. AHA Guidelines 是否用于创建最高质量的培训材料、课程和项目 为医疗保健专业人员提供的心肺复苏术,急救和高级紧急心血管护理, 急救人员,员工和公众. Click below to see our current class flyer.

Current Classes

Emergency Medical Technician


威尼斯人娱乐城提供为期一年的紧急医疗技术员证书课程,提供 拥有两年制学位第一年的学生将成为一名护理人员. 该证书旨在与应用科学学位的副学士表达 急救医疗技术-护理人员或急救医学学士学位 Services. 证书课程要求至少47个学分.

Wildland Fire

所有Wildland Fire课程均达到或超过联邦课程标准 National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG)

威尼斯人娱乐城是一个积极的合作伙伴,与地方和地区的联邦和州机构提供 为现有机构人员、私人消防承包商和 individuals seeking employment as firefighters. Many of these courses have pre-requisite requirements in order to register. 名额有限,需提前报名 deadlines.

Small Business Development Center Newsletters & Articles

充满了相关的新闻为小企业主,资源为企业家和 地区商业成功故事,SBDC电子出版物可供所有人使用 interested. 如果您想加入威尼斯人娱乐城的电子邮件分发列表,请与威尼斯人娱乐城联系.  

Click Here for Newsletters & Articles


学习成功企业所需要的技能. Experienced instructors teach classes 对市场营销、记账、人力资源、商业策划等主题的业务 need to master to be successful. 无论是在课堂上还是在网上,企业主都在学习 从彼此以及教练那里,发展重要的技能,从而茁壮成长 businesses.

查看俄勒冈小企业发展协会提供的研讨会和活动的完整列表 Center Network visit our Events/Workshops page. Many centers offer their classes and 在线研讨会,所以没有必要错过很好的培训机会



威尼斯人娱乐城 SBDC Workshops and Events

Online Courses and Certification Prep Classes


通过与在线职业培训提供商ed2go的合作,您现在可以访问 以在线、公开招生课程为目的,帮助您获得专业水平 skills for in-demand occupations. 课程有700多个主题可供选择 价格实惠,方便,适合你.

ed2go Online classes

威尼斯人娱乐城还与ed2go合作提供职业培训项目. These courses are 在线开放注册计划旨在提供必要的技能获得 为许多有需求的职业提供专业水平的职位.

威尼斯人娱乐城的课程由来自各个领域的专业团队设计,提供 你有有效的网络学习计划. Instructors/mentors are actively involved 在你的在线学习经历中,回答任何问题或担忧 as encouraging and motivating you to succeed.

ed2go Career Training

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